Evaluations are tentatively scheduled for 
Saturday February 22, 2025
(Farm & Minors)
Saturday March 1, 2025
(Majors & Juniors)

All players registered for Farm, Minors, Majors, and Juniors must attend evaluations during their assigned day and time.
*Evaluations are to be held only on the date scheduled. Due to time constraints for drafts and team organization, there is no make-up date for evaluations.

Your player should ONLY attend the evaluation time their registered division is scheduled for.

Divisions are not only determined by league age, but also by number of years played, player skill level, and division size. Some players may play in a division longer than others. Our staff will work with players and parents to determine the correct division for each player, regardless of years played, siblings, or coach requests. 
Should the Player Agent, along with the board of directors and coaches present, feel your player should be moved to a different division you will be notified via phone call after evaluations.

Evaluations will consist of batting, fielding/throwing, and base running.

**Please come baseball ready and prepared with baseball pants, cleats, bat, glove and hat.** 

Evaluations are on a first come first serve basis so be prepared to wait for your players turn based on their spot in line.
All coaches will be present to evaluate players for the division they are coaching.

It is extremely important that all players participate in their evaluation session.
Evaluations are used as a tool for coaches to evaluate players and to help make balanced teams.
(All registered players are placed on a team.)

*Evaluations are conducted by Player Agent, Danny McIntosh
email: [email protected]
Board Members and all coaches will be present to evaluate players. 

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