Pool Player Guidelines

The player pool is an important part of keeping our teams playing when a team may not have enough players to field a game.  We understand life is busy, there is sickness, injuries and other priorities in life over little league baseball.  However, we offer the player pool for teams to use players who are interested and willing to play in additional games as fill in players.  The player pool allows the game to be played as long as there is a field of 9 players who can play that game for each team.

Following, are the guidelines for the player pool:

-Pool players may only be assigned by the BLL Player Agent
-Verbal consent from parent/guardian
Pool players shall wear the uniform of their rostered team.
If the pool player agrees to an assignment they must be allowed to play in that game even if the team regains the missing player
He/she may only play in the outfield
He/she cannot pitch, catch or play infield
He/she must bat last in the batting order
Teams shall only have up to two (2) pool players per game at the BLL Player Agents discretion

Coaches must email the Player Agent their list of potential pool players before the start the regular season. These players will be added to a living document in our Player Agent Google drive and will be accessible for viewing by coaches during the season. Contact with the pool players must be made and documented by the BLL Player Agent to ensure random distribution of players from the list.

<<Link will be here>>

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